A downloadable toy game engine for Windows

A toy game engine reflecting on simplicity and retro approach to gamedev. It is currently work in progress.

This game engine runs on Windows as a 64-bit executable. Renderer is backed by Direct3D9 and scripting is powered by Lua 5.4.

Engine is DCC-driven and supports model scene graphs and hierarchy manipulations. 

Engine also provides a hardware lighting support that is very simple to use, it also offers a shader support that is easily expendable and provides rich visuals at low costs.

DISCLAIMER: Assets used within demos are property of their respective owners and are used for educational purposes only. It's disallowed to resell, re-distribute or modify the assets with intent to distribute them for commercial gain, without owners' written permissions. All rights are reserved.

Visit GitHub: NEON86 GitHub


Engine: Quickstart template 3.9 MB
Version 124 Apr 06, 2022
Demo: Firepit (sprite test) 12 MB
Version 1 Nov 14, 2020
Demo: Bullet Physics test 4 MB
Version 15 Apr 06, 2022
Demo: RTT 4.2 MB
Version 2 Apr 06, 2022
Demo: Music 6.3 MB
Version 4 Sep 02, 2020
Demo: Shadowmapping 3.9 MB
Version 26 Oct 12, 2020
(Old) Demo: Desert FPS map 4.1 MB
Version 21 Jul 13, 2020
(Old) Demo: Collisions test 3.6 MB
Version 13 Jul 22, 2020
Demo: Minimal playground showcase 7.4 MB
Version 14 Jul 02, 2020
Demo: Mafia scene viewer 5.9 MB
Version 30 Apr 06, 2022
Demo: Shader system showcase 3 MB
Version 5 May 27, 2020
Demo: Terrain shader showcase 24 MB
Version 12 Aug 31, 2020
Demo: Space planets simulation 17 MB
Version 10 Jul 13, 2020

Development log


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(1 edit) (+1)

Really good game engine - more than a toy. I really like how the code source has been structured (available on GitHub). However it seems to me that some parts could be improved. Is there a way to contact the author Dominik Madarasz? Thank you ++